Fixed Tube Sheet -
Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger

Fixed Tube Sheet Shell Tube Heat Exchanger

The application of this method is extensive, except in situations where the tube bundle needs to be removed for maintenance. It is especially recommended for vacuum operations in the outer circuit or when gaskets are not preferred in this circuit. Specifically, it is used as a coolant for oil, transformers, lubrication systems, or small instant diesel or heaters that are located outside the tube. It is highly beneficial as a vacuum steam condenser.

The absence of  gasket and packing on the external tube circuit is due to the direct welding of the shell onto the tube plate. This prevents any mixing between the two circuits and eliminates the risk of losing internal gaskets. It also allows for easy replacement of individual tubes. This version is highly popular as the head can be removed to clean the inside of the tubes. Additionally, heat expansion between the shell and the tube bundle can be managed by using one or more expansion joints.

It is not feasible to inspect the external circuit tube. Only chemical cleaning is possible, not mechanical cleaning. Therefore, it is recommended to use a fluid with a high pipe deposit factor inside the pipes.

If expansion below is not utilized, the system may not be able to tolerate significant temperature differences between the two fluids.